About Us
Bolton Blockchains aims to bring like-minded people in the Bolton area together to discuss the importance of the blockchain, decentralization and cryptocurrencies. We believe financial freedom and financial sovereignty is a fundamental right for everyone.
Bolton Blockchain provides various forums for discussion. We run an in-person meetup once a month which is open to everyone, from those new to the space to seasoned users and industry leaders.
Elephants of Bolton
There are numerous elephants scattered all over Bolton, adorning buildings and along streets, yet there is no definitive answer as how they came to be. You can see two elephants made out of cast iron sitting on top of a canopy in Victoria Square, these originally sat on the gateposts of the Bolton Bleachworks until 1977. Elephant tusks can be seen on the railings near the Bolton Library and the elephant tusk was also incorporated into the Bolton Council logo.
These elephants have been around for a great amount of time and there a few schools of thought as to where they came from. One legend states that the elephant is believed to have been derived from the City of Coventry’s coat of arms – as Bolton was previously within the Diocese of Mercia which was at Coventry. Another legend is the elephant was taken from the pictures on textiles that came over from India.
Whichever you may believe is the real reason behind the Elephants of Bolton, next time you are out and about, see how many you can spot.